APIO 2014 - Palindrome

Author: Andi Qu

Table of Contents



First, construct the palindromic tree from the string. There are O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) distinct palindromes, so our tree will have O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) nodes.

In addition to the standard information about a node's palindrome that we store in it (e.g. length and suffix link), store the number of times each node's palindrome was the maximum suffix. Let this number be CiC_i for the ii-th node.

Since each node's palindrome is a substring of the palindromes of the nodes in its subtree, the sum of CiC_i in node ii's subtree gives us the number of occurrences of node ii's palindrome in the string.

We can then do a DFS to find the number of occurrences of each distinct palindrome in the string and then we simply check which one has the greatest occurrence value.


Time Complexity: O(N)\mathcal{O}(N)

Memory Complexity: O(N)\mathcal{O}(N)

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#define FOR(i, x, y) for (int i = x; i < y; i++)
typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;
struct Node {
int nxt[26], sufflink;
ll len, cnt;
vector<int> edges;
} tree[303030];

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