Baltic OI 2015 - Editor

Author: Benjamin Qi

Official Analysis

Time Complexity: O(NlogN)\mathcal O(N \log N).

Let lev[x]=max(0,-a[x]).

Let active_y[x]=true if operation x is active after y operations, and false otherwise. Obviously active_y[y]=true.

Let activepath_y[x]=true if operation x could possibly be undone after another operation, and false otherwise. In other words, active_y[x]=true and no z>x exists with active_y[z]=true and lev[z]<=lev[x]. If this is the case, we'll say that "x lies on the active path of y." Obviously, activepath_y[y]=true.

Claim: If activepath_y[x] then active_y[1..x]=active_x[1..x].

Proof: We use induction. Suppose that this is true for y=1..q and we we want to prove it for y=q+1. If lev[q+1]=0 then q+1 is the only vertex on the active path for q+1, so this obviously holds. Otherwise, assume that operation q+1 undoes operation z on the active path for q. By the inductive hypothesis, active_q[1..z]=active_z[1..z], which implies that active_{q+1}[1..z-1]=active_{z-1}[1..z-1].

All operations on the active path for q+1 aside from q+1 itself also lie on the active path for z-1. Also, for any t on the active path for z-1, active_t[1..t]=active_{z-1}[1..t]=active_{q+1}[1..t]. This completes the proof.

So the solution is to maintain the active path for every i. If there exists an operation with level 0 on the active path for i, then its state is the answer for i; otherwise, the answer for i is 0.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
using ld = long double;
using db = double;
using str = string; // yay python!
using pi = pair<int, int>;
using pl = pair<ll, ll>;

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