USACO Silver 2016 December - Cities & States
Authors: Benjamin Qi, Kevin Sheng
As the editorial mentions, we can store the number of times a given four-letter
string appears in a map
Time Complexity:
The time complexity of the below solution is actually
, since it uses map
. Using unordered_map
or vector
would bring the complexity back
down to .
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main() {ifstream read("");int N;read >> N;vector<pair<string, string>> pairs;for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
import*;import java.util.*;public class CityState {static class Pair {public String city;public String state;public Pair(String city, String state) { = city;this.state = state;
from collections import defaultdictpairs = []with open("") as read:for _ in range(int(read.readline())):city, state = read.readline().strip().split()city = city[:2] # We only care about the first two letters of the citypairs.append((city, state))
However, note that we can optimize this by converting each string into an integer and using an array instead of a map.
Time Complexity:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int index(string s) {int ind = 0;for (char &c : s) { ind = 26 * ind + (c - 'A'); }return ind;}int main() {
import*;import java.util.*;public class CityState {static class Pair {public String city;public String state;public Pair(String city, String state) { = city;this.state = state;
def index(s: str) -> int:ind = 0for c in s:ind = 26 * ind + (ord(c) - ord("A"))return indpairs = []with open("") as read:for _ in range(int(read.readline())):
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