CSES - Prefix Sum Queries

Author: Dong Liu

Time Complexity: O(NlogN)\mathcal O(N\log N)

In this problem, we're given an array aa and we're asked to answer 2 types of queries

  1. update the value at position ii to xx
  2. calculate the maximum prefix sum in the range [a,b][a, b]

Solution 1 - Segment Tree

In each segment tree node, we will store

  • sum\texttt{sum}: the sum of the elements in the range
  • pref\texttt{pref}: the maximum prefix sum in the range

To calculate seg[i]\texttt{seg}[i],

  • The sum\texttt{sum} would be equal to left.sum+right.sum\texttt{left}.\texttt{sum} + \texttt{right}.\texttt{sum}.
  • The maximum prefix has to end at either the left segment (left.pref\texttt{left}.\texttt{pref}), or at the right segment (left.sum+right.pref\texttt{left}.\texttt{sum} + \texttt{right}.\texttt{pref}), so pref\texttt{pref} would equal max(left.pref,left.sum+right.pref)\max(\texttt{left}.\texttt{pref}, \texttt{left}.\texttt{sum} + \texttt{right}.\texttt{pref}).

Now we can build and update any value in our segment tree.

To answer an query, we can split the range [l,r][l, r] into O(logN)\mathcal O(\log N) segments. To calculate the answer, we just repeatedly merge these segments until there is one left and take the pref\texttt{pref}.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = 200010;
const int S = 1 << 18;
int n, q, a[N];
struct node {
long long sum, pref;

Solution 2 - With Lazy Propagation

We can use a segment tree with lazy propagation to solve this problem. Let ps[i]\texttt{ps}[i] be the sum of a1,a2,aia_1, a_2, \dots a_i. We can maintain a segment tree consisting of the maximum ps\texttt{ps} in the range of [l,r][l,r].

To update the value at position ii to xx, we add xaix-a_i to each of the values in the range [i,N][i,N].

To answer a query of type 2, our answer would be maxi[a,b](ps[i])ps[a1]\max_{i \in [a, b]}(\texttt{ps}[i]) - \texttt{ps}[{a-1}].


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
template <class T> struct LSegTree {
int N;
vector<T> t, lz;
T U = -1e18;
T F(T i, T j) { return max(i, j); }

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