JOI 2018 - Commuter Pass

Authors: Andi Qu, Nathan Wang

  1. Use Dijkstra's to calculate distances from ss, uu, and vv.
  2. Consider a subset of directed edges where each directed edge is part of a shortest path from ss to tt. Note that this subset is a DAG, and can be found by keeping track of the parents of every node when running Dijkstra's.
  3. Note that an optimal path will be uxyvu \rightarrow x \rightarrow y \rightarrow v, where xyx \rightarrow y is a path on the DAG. Note that any path on the DAG is a valid commuter pass option, and the only node with in-degree 0 is uu, and the only node with out-degree 0 is tt in the DAG.
  4. Define dpU(i) = minimum distance from uu to any node xx such that xx is in a path from ss to ii in the DAG.
  5. Define dpV(i) = minimum distance from vv to any node xx such that xx is in a path from ss to ii in the DAG.
  6. The DP transition for dpU(i) is dpU(i) = min(distU[i], dpU(parent_i)) for each parent of i (see dijkstra2 function implementation for more details). dpV's transition is defined similarly.
  7. Our answer is dpU(v) + dpV(v). Since edges are bidirectional, an optimal path can also be vxyuv \rightarrow x \rightarrow y \rightarrow u where xyx \rightarrow y is a path on the DAG. We can solve this by rerunning steps 2-7 while switching uu and vv. In Andi's code, steps 2-7 are implemented in the dijkstra2 function.
  8. Alternatively, the answer could just be from uu directly to vv without using the commuter pass.


Andi's implementation:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;
vector<pair<ll, ll>> graph[100001];
ll du[100001], dv[100001], ds[100001], dp[2][100001], ans;
bool visited[100001];
void dijkstra1(ll start, ll arr[]) {
fill(visited, visited + 100001, false);

Alternatively, Nathan's implementation. Note that the DP definitions in Nathan's implementation are slightly different than above.

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