Balkan OI 2017 - City Attractions

Author: Andi Qu


Let the node that Gigel goes to from node ii be tit_i. Since the graph made from the directed edges itii \rightarrow t_i is a functional graph, we can use binary jumping or any other efficient method to find the final node.

Now we only need to find all tit_i and we are done! However, this isn't as straightforward as it sounds...

A simpler problem

Let's consider a simpler problem: suppose we root the tree at node 11 and Gigel can only move down the tree (don't worry about the leaves). In this problem, we can find all tit_i (and a[ti]dist(i,ti)a[t_i] - dist(i, t_i)) using a simple tree DP:

Let dp[i]dp[i] be the node in the subtree of ii (excluding ii itself) such that a[dp[i]]dist(i,dp[i])a[dp[i]] - dist(i, dp[i]) is maximized. Additionally, we store this value in the DP array. We can find dp[i]dp[i] by taking the best of cc and dp[c]dp[c] over all children cc of ii.

This algorithm runs in O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) time.

Finding all tit_i

Obviously, the solution to the simpler problem doesn't solve the general problem: we might need to move up into a node's parent!

To address this issue, we can first do a DFS to find dpdp as defined above, and then do a second DFS to allow moving to a node's parent. See the solving for all roots module if you're unfamiliar with this technique. Essentially, we find the best destination from ii if we move up into ii's parent and then compare that with dp[i]dp[i].

After doing this, dp[i]dp[i] is simply tit_i as desired.

These two DFSes run in O(N)\mathcal{O}(N) time, so the final complexity is O(N+logK)\mathcal{O}(N + \log K) (from the binary jumping).


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
typedef long long ll;
using namespace std;
int a[300001], nxt[2][300001];
pair<int, int> dp[300001], pdp[300001];
vector<int> graph[300001];
void dfs1(int node = 1, int parent = 0) {
dp[node] = {INT_MAX / 2, 0};

Alternative Code (Ben)

const int MX = 3e5 + 5;
int N;
ll K;
array<pi, 2> bes[MX]; // for each x,
// get best two a[y]-d(x,y), possibly including x itself
vi adj[MX];
int nex[MX], vis[MX];
array<pi, 2> comb(array<pi, 2> a, array<pi, 2> b) {

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