CSES - Even Outdegree Edges

Author: Andi Qu

Time Complexity: O(N)\mathcal O(N).

Without loss of generality, assume that the number of edges is even and there's only one connected component in the graph.

Consider the following simpler problem: given a rooted tree, direct the edges so that all nodes except for the root have an even out-degree; the root's degree may be of any parity.

We can solve this simpler problem recursively through a DFS. Imagine that we're processing some subtree rooted at node vv. First, process each of vv's children's subtrees but don't direct vv's incident edges yet. Although the children's out-degree parity may be arbitrary after this, we can then direct each of vv's incident edges to make them all even. This solution works in O(N)\mathcal O(N) time.

It turns out that this also solves the version of the problem where the root of the tree must also have even out-degree! This is because the sum of out-degrees is equal to the number of edges - since the out-degrees of all nodes besides the root are even, the out-degree of the root must also be even.

To generalize this solution to an arbitrary graph, we simply:

  1. Find the DFS tree (which will be a spanning tree).
  2. Direct all edges that aren't part of this tree "upwards".
  3. Run the solution for a tree on the DFS tree (except some nodes must have odd out-degree now).

Step 2 works because of the fact that all edges that aren't part of the DFS tree are back-edges (i.e. edges where one node is a parent of the other). For more information about the DFS tree, read this CF blog post.



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
vector<int> graph[100001];
int visited[100001], odd[100001], timer = 1;
vector<pair<int, int>> ans;
void dfs(int node, int parent = 0) {
visited[node] = timer++;
for (int i : graph[node])

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