CF - The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed

Authors: Aditya Gupta, George Pong

Table of Contents


Official Analysis


We can binary search on the location where the friends will meet up. Since we want a precision of 10610^{-6}, we stop when the difference between high and low is less than 10610^{-6}.

Whenever we are calculating the answer, we take note of which side the maximum answer came from. If the max answer comes from both sides, regardless of where we decide to go next, our answer will only increase, so we return that answer. Otherwise, if it only comes from one side of the point that we just calculated, we move our search towards that side, as moving it towards the other side will only increase our answer.


Time Complexity: O(NlogM)\mathcal{O}(N\log M) where MM is the farthest north location


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
using ll = long long;
const double MAX_ERROR = 10e-7;
vector<double> locations;
vector<double> speeds;


import java.util.*;
public class MeetingPlace {
static final double MAX_ERROR = 10e-7;
static List<Double> locations = new ArrayList<>();
static List<Double> speeds = new ArrayList<>();
static double min_ans = Double.MAX_VALUE;
static double curr_min_time;


num_friends = int(input())
friend_coords = list(map(int, input().split()))
friend_veloci = list(map(int, input().split()))
def all_friends_converge(seconds: int) -> bool:
Checks whether all friends can converge on one point in the specified time interval.
:param seconds: Amount of seconds given for friends to converge.

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